This updated third edition of the textbook on design of bridge structures continues to provide comprehensive coverage of both theory and design practice within a single capsule. It is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering. It is also considered useful for practicing civil engineers and designers who need a ready reckoner on important design aspects on bridges. This third edition comes with three recent topics in bridge engineering. Chapters on limit state method design of concrete bridges, flyovers, and smart structural health monitoring of bridges, have been appended.

The most distinguishing features of this edition comprise:

• Design of concrete bridges based on both working stress and limit state methods

• Detailed design drawings of bridges

• Detailed overview of flyovers

• Exposition to smart structural health monitoring of bridges

• Computer programs in C on bridge design

• BE/BTech Civil Engineering

• ME/MTech Civil Engineering

Избранные страницы


3 River Channels Section II STRUCTURAL DESIGN 4 Design Loads for Bridges 5 Masonry Arch Bridges 6 Pipe Culverts 7 Slab Bridges 13 Bridge Foundations 14 Bearings and Expansion Joints 15 Prestressed Concrete Bridge Decks 16 Artificial Intelligence in Bridge Engineering 17 Limit State Method of Design An Overview 19 Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Computer Programs for Structural Designs 8 Box Culverts 9 Beam and Slab Bridges 10 Plate Girder Bridges 11 Composite Bridges 12 Substructures Back cover

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Об авторе (2020)

T.R. JAGADEESH, PhD, has been the Professor and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. He has also served as the Principal of HMS Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. His areas of interest include hydraulic design of bridges, fluid dynamics, rainwater harvesting and computational hydraulics. He has authored several books and presented several papers in international conferences.

M.A. JAYARAM, PhD, is the Professor and Director, Department of MCA, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. He has more than three decades of experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering, computer science, and computer applications. His areas of special interest are structural design of bridges and applications of soft computing in civil engineering. He has published more than 120 papers in national/international journals and conferences. He has guided several M.Tech and MCA dissertations. An author of 17 textbooks, he is also a reviewer and editorial board member for several international journals.

Библиографические данные

Издатель PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2020
ISBN 9389347610, 9789389347616
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 448
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan