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More Families are doing the Annual Educational Evaluation via Email now! (cyber evaluation)
I was bothered by evaluators charging WAY TOO MUCH, even up to $80 and $200+, for a simple portfolio review?
We do a lot of annual educational evaluations in Martin County. I am Charles “Curtis” Tucker. I have been a homeschooling parent since 1999, a Florida certified teacher since 1996, and I have been a homeschool evaluator and approved test administrator for Martin County since 2003. I am currently a Florida certified teacher with a Florida State Department of Education certificate which will be renewed again, as always, on June 30, 2027. Scroll Down for more detailed information.
We do the Annual Educational Evaluation in Martin County, FL just as required by the FL state ss. 1002.41 (see below), through emails (Cyber Evaluations), or the U.S. Postal service, OR I will do the Annual Evaluation in person if you prefer – SIMPLE & QUICK annual homeschool evaluations. C. Curtis Tucker 786-525-3545 cell
FL ss. 1002.41 Home education programs.—
(c) The parent shall provide for an annual educational evaluation in which is documented the student’s demonstration of educational progress at a level commensurate with her or his ability. The parent shall select the method of evaluation and shall file a copy of the evaluation annually with the district school superintendent’s office in the county in which the student resides. The annual educational evaluation shall consist of one of the following:
1. A teacher selected by the parent shall evaluate the student’s educational progress upon review of the portfolio and discussion with the student…
And then the statute goes on to give the other 4 choices for annual evaluations, describing types of tests administered by a FL certified teacher, like myself. I also administer standardized tests of many types, though a test is NOT required for the annual educational evaluation for a homeschool student, it is one of the choices.
The Annual Educational Evaluation done by email, U.S. Post, computer or phone conversation (Cyber Evaluation) is only $37.
The Annual Educational Evaluation done in person is $47 for the 1st student & $30 for each additional student at the same location on the same day.
Email me – – with any questions. It is my pleasure to help in every way possible.
C. Curtis Tucker:786-525-3545 cell
Here is some basic information to get started with homeschooling in Martin County:
Martin County Home Education Office:
500 E Ocean Blvd
Stuart, FL 34994
Martin County Home Education Website:
Martin County Homeschool Evaluators:
C. Curtis Tucker – 786.525.3545 cell
Martin County Homeschool Support Groups: