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Delfino Griego House and Meeting Hall, Gaudalupita-Coyote Rural Historic District, Moral County

The Cultural Properties Review Committee is created by the Cultural Properties Act to serve as a professional policy-making/advisory board for historic preservation in New Mexico.

The committee is assigned specific duties under the act and makes decisions in relation to the State Register of Cultural Properties, State Income Tax Credit for Registered Cultural Properties, archaeological permits, Official Scenic Historic Markers, and listings in the SHPO Directory of consultants.

As provided by this statute, the Committee consists of nine members which have achieved recognition for accomplishment in his or her field in the American Southwest, and each must have specialized knowledge of New Mexico.

The Committee consists of:

Other than the state historian, members of the Committee are appointed by the Governor.

Meetings begin at 1 p.m. and are held in the Old Senate Chambers of the Bataan Memorial Building at 407 Galisteo Street in Santa Fe. They generally are preceded by the subcommittees on tax credits and archaeology during the morning of the general session. Please check home page calendar or call HPD at 505-827-4067 for locations.