Expand pagesNewborn Baby Care
- Understanding your baby's early checks
- My baby won’t stop crying, what should I do?
- What is the apgar score?
- Tips for caring for your newborn baby
- Little ways you can bond with your baby
- Advice on newborn baby health issues
- Changing your baby's nappy
- Bathing your baby
- Swaddling your baby
- How your baby’s senses will develop
- How to establish a routine for your baby
- The importance of touch
- Caring for babies with sensitive skin
- How to combat the first day out with your newborn
- What to expect in the first 24 hours after having a baby
- Coping with a baby on your own (after your partner goes back to work)
- How To Cope With Baby Twins
- Tips for looking after your baby’s umbilical cord
- 4 myths about nappy pants we’re all guilty of believing
- 7 facts about nappies you never knew
- Your guide to the newborn hearing test
- Everything you need to know about your baby's first 6 weeks
- What happens during my baby’s newborn examination?
- Ways for new dads to bond with baby
- How to burp a baby
- Purple crying explained
- How to wash your baby's clothes and toys
- Your guide to nappy sizes
- Your guide to baby hiccups
- How many nappies should I buy?
- Introducing you to the Bliss Champions
- Tips for getting ready to bring your preemie baby home
- When babies grow & lose hair
- What's a conehead baby?
- Tips for partners straight after your baby arrives
- Cradle cap in babies
- Can baby oil be used on my child’s skin?
- Understanding your newborn baby’s skin
- Your guide to mottled skin and skin colour changes in babies
- Your guide to washing your baby’s hair
- Your A-Z of baby health
- Understanding your baby's weight
- When to call the doctor for your baby
- Tongue-tie in babies
- Your baby's immunisation schedule explained
- Coping with separation anxiety
- Congenital conditions in babies
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Looking after your circumcised baby
- How to massage your baby
- Your guide to nappy rash
- Sepsis in babies explained
- Food allergies in Babies
- Cow's milk allergy
- Newborn jaundice
- The MMR Vaccination: What you need to know
- Rotavirus vaccination for babies
- The whooping cough vaccination for babies
- Cystic fibrosis in babies
- Bronchiolitis in babies
- Mumps in babies and your child
- Understanding spina bifida in babies
- Meningitis in babies - What you should know
- Norovirus
- Mouth related problems in babies and small children
- Colic in babies
- Baby medicine essentials list
- Choking Baby - First Aid Guide
- Burns and scalds - First aid guide
- CPR - baby 1st aid guide
- Hand, Foot and Mouth disease
- Scarlet fever in babies
- Croup in babies
- Slapped cheek syndrome in babies
- Understanding thrush in babies
- Roseola in babies
- The best baby sunscreen
- Autism in babies and young children
- A first aid box checklist
- Baby Flat Head Syndrome
- Signs and symptoms of a baby ear infection
- Heart murmur in babies
- Your guide to baby reflux
- Your guide to impetigo in children
- Asthma in children
- Febrile seizures in babies and children
- Your guide to hives in children
- Your guide to ringworm in babies and children
- Joint hypermobility in babies and children
- Measles in babies
- Does my baby need Vitamin D?
- Your Guide To Glue Ear In Children
- Your guide to newborn torticollis
- How To Improve Your Baby's Sleep
- 11 tips for soothing a poorly toddler
- What are growing pains?
- Gastroenteritis in babies
- Baby first aid courses for parents
- The pre-school booster vaccination
- Should my baby wear sunglasses?
- What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
- Diarrhoea
- Baby poo - a visual guide
- Vomiting in Babies
- How to help with your baby’s blocked nose
- Everything you need to know about using a dummy
- Tonsillitis in babies and toddlers
- Chicken pox in babies: What you should know
- Constipation in babies
- Conjunctivitis in babies
- Baby colds and coughs
- Understanding baby acne
- Your toddler's growth chart
- What to expect at your baby's 6-8 week health check
- Baby poo - your questions answered
- What to expect at your child's 2 year check-up
- Fever in toddlers
- Childhood eczema
- Hay fever in children
- How to deal with stings and bites in children
- Strep A and Strep Throat in babies
- Meconium aspiration syndrome in babies
- What should I do if my baby has a high temperature?
- Heat rash in babies: Spot the signs
- Constipation in young children
- Threadworm in children
- Cerebral palsy in babies and toddlers
- 7 benefits of using a wearable breast pump in 2024
- Your guide to drinking alcohol while breastfeeding
- Beginners guide to breastfeeding
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- How to breastfeed
- What is responsive feeding?
- Expressing breast milk
- Solutions to your breastfeeding problems
- 7 simple breastfeeding positions
- Your breastfeeding diet
- How to bottle feed your baby
- How to stop breastfeeding your baby
- The benefits of extended breastfeeding
- How to increase your milk supply while breastfeeding
- What is Mastitis?
- Taking medication while breastfeeding
- The benefits of breastfeeding classes
- Nipple thrush and breastfeeding
- Your guide to vegetarian and vegan breastfeeding
- What are the risks of smoking while breastfeeding?
- How to cope with sore nipples while breastfeeding
- Newborn Night Feeds: Your complete guide
- How to breastfeed twins
- The best bottle feeding positions for your baby
- Signs & symptoms of breast engorgement
- The different types of formula milk for babies
- How much milk should I give my baby?
- Can I eat spicy food when breastfeeding?
- Can I eat honey while breastfeeding?
- Chest feeding your baby
- Your 1-week-old baby’s development
- Your 2-week-old baby’s development
- Your 3-week-old baby’s development
- Your 4-week-old baby’s development
- Your 1-month-old baby’s development
- Your 5-week-old baby’s development
- Your 6-week-old baby’s development
- Your 7-week-old baby’s development
- Your 8-week-old baby’s development
- Your 3-month-old baby’s development
- Your 4-month-old baby’s development
- Your 5-month-old baby’s development
- Your 6-month-old baby’s development
- Your 7-month-old baby’s development
- Your 8-month-old baby’s development
- Your 9-month-old baby’s development
- Your 10-month-old baby’s development
- Your 11-month-old baby’s development
- Your 12-month-old baby’s development
- Your 13-month-old baby’s development
- Your 14-month-old baby’s development
- Your 15-month-old baby’s development
- Your 16-month-old baby’s development
- Your 17-month-old baby’s development
- Your 18-month-old baby’s development
- Your 19-month-old baby's development
- Your 20-month-old baby's development
- Your 21-month-old baby's development
- Your 22-month-old baby's development
- Your 23-month-old baby's development
- Your 24-month-old baby's development
- How to register your child’s birth
- How to help your child learn to talk
- When will my baby learn to walk?
- How to understand the sounds your baby makes
- Your baby's first pair of shoes
- How to manage toddler tantrums
- Do's and Don'ts of Talking to your Toddler
- Surviving Your Toddler's First Haircut
- Water safety for babies & toddlers
- 20 cake smash ideas for baby's first birthday
- Christmas gift ideas for 2 year olds
- Signs of speech delay in toddlers
- How to keep your baby cool during the heat
- Signs your baby is having a growth spurt
- A guide to your baby's vision development
- Your baby’s social development timeline
- Does my baby need a passport?
- A guide to the different parenting styles
- How to establish the perfect bedtime routine for your baby
- Helping babies adjust their sleeping pattern when the clocks change
- 7 tips to help your baby have a good night’s sleep
- 15 of the best lullabies for baby
- Baby sleep safety guidelines
- Sleeping patterns
- Moving your baby from cot to bed
- Car seat sleep safety: can I let my baby sleep in a car seat?
- Baby sleep music ideas
- Your guide to co-sleeping with your baby
- Common baby sleep problems and how to handle them
- Night terrors in babies & toddlers
- How to keep your baby warm at night in the winter
- Signs you have an over-tired baby
- Your guide to naptime: From newborn to toddler
- Can babies sleep with a pillow?
- White noise for babies: The benefits & risks
- My baby won’t sleep, what should I do?
- An age by age guide to your baby's sleep patterns
- Baby sleeping bags: What you need to know
- Common toddler sleep questions answered
- Are baby nests safe?
- Teething tips
- Can my child have sugar?
- Signs your baby is teething
- Your guide to looking after your toddler’s teeth
- How to manage your child's first trip to the dentist
- How to teach your child to brush their teeth
- Foods that cause tooth decay in toddlers
- Baby teething timeline
- The best toothbrushes for babies and toddlers
- 10 fun games to get your toddler to brush their teeth
- Amber teething necklaces: Good or bad?
- 8 tips to help your baby sleep when teething
- Baby-led weaning
- 3 signs your baby is ready for solid food
- Introducing solids while breastfeeding
- How to introduce solids safely
- 10 steps to creating non-fussy eaters
- Baby drinks: Your complete guide
- Best and worst weaning foods
- Top baby weaning foods
- Foods to avoid when weaning your baby
- Your guide to baby food safety
- Tips for coping with a fussy eater
- How to raise a vegan baby
- Your weaning essential checklist
- Baby and toddler cups: Your complete guide
- Baby meal ideas
- Your guide to weaning your baby
- Our top 10 baby booster seats
- The benefits of play to your baby
- An age-by-age guide to play
- Classic baby games
- When can I take my baby swimming?
- Tips for flying with a young baby
- Your guide to baby sensory classes
- Choosing a bike or scooter for your toddler
- The importance of tummy time
- Toddler jokes that'll have your kids laughing
- Amazing ways to teach toddlers about colours
- Nursery rhymes
- Everything you need to know about potty training
- 7 reasons to delay potty training
- Choosing the perfect potty
- Tips for potty training on the go
- How to dress your toddler for potty training
- When your toddler refuses to poo in the potty…
- Night time potty training: Where to start
- Is my child ready to be potty trained?
- Potty training tips for girls
- Potty training tips for boys
- Find out about free childcare available
- The Benefits of Sending your Child to a Nursery or Playgroup
- Tips for finding a babysitter in 2023
- Tips for teaching your child how to share
- How to discipline a toddler
- How to cope with the terrible twos
- 7 Secrets to Toddler Discipline
- How to teach your child to be independent
- How to teach your toddler to dress themselves
- Fun play date ideas for toddlers
- When to start teaching your toddler ABC
- Genius tips to teaching toddlers numbers
- Fun Toddler Snack Ideas
- Fun meal ideas for toddlers
- Soups for toddlers
- Simple ways to limit sugar in your toddler's diet
- An essential guide: Vitamins for children
- Cow’s milk alternatives for toddlers
- Baby's first outfit and essentials
- The best baby swimwear
- The best baby outfits
- Halloween costume safety tips
- Totally adorable baby outfits for the Jubilee weekend
- The benefits of baby classes
- Baby classes in London
- Baby classes in Birmingham
- Baby classes in Leeds
- Baby classes in Sheffield
- Baby classes in Liverpool
- Baby classes in Cardiff
- Baby classes in Leicester
- Baby classes in Nottingham
- Baby classes in Bristol
- Baby classes in Coventry

How do you know what size nappy will fit your little one? As babies come in all shapes and sizes and grow quickly, it’s a bit of a minefield! Here we share how to choose a nappy size for your little one.
Nappies for premature babies
If your baby has a low birthweight, even the smallest nappies may be too big. Some brands offer nappies for premature babies, often called ‘Preemie’ nappies or size 0.
Nappy size guides
Brands may have different size guides but generally speaking, they work like this:
- Size 0 (1-2.5kg, 2-5lbs)
- Size 1 (2 -5kg, 5-11lbs)
- Size 2 (3-6kg, 7-14lbs)
- Size 3 (4-9kg, 8-20lbs)
- Size 4 (7-18kg, 15-40lbs)
- Size 5 (11-25kg, 24-55lbs)
- Size 6 (16kg +, 35lbs +)
Young baby nappies often have words like ‘baby dry,” “super dry” or similar on them, as the focus at this age is staying dry and avoiding nappy rash. As your baby starts to crawl, the wording changes to ones like ‘active fit” and “active stretch.” Once they are toddlers, nappies re shaped like underpants and say things like “pull-ups” or “easy up.”
What does the + sign mean?
Some nappies say “Plus” or have a + sign on them; this indicates that they are more absorbent. They’re great for night times.
When should I move up to the next nappy size?
If the tapes are stretched, you should buy a larger size. Some baby nappies have colour coded fastenings, so you can see when you need to move up. If you notice marks on your baby’s legs, they may be too tight - another sign to move up a size.
How to ensure the nappy is leak free
Here are a few things to check to ensure your baby's nappy stays leak free:
- The waist band should fit snugly, not tightly around the middle of your baby’s body.
- The waist tapes should be fastened symmetrically.
- Leg cuffs should be stretched neatly around the thigh.
- If the nappy’s too small, it may leak because it’s not absorbent enough; if too large, it may have gaps.
Tips for buying your nappies
- When buying before the birth, it’s a good idea to buy a pack each of newborn and the next size up - but keep packs unopened and the receipt as most shops will exchange them.
- Premature and newborn sizes often have a u-shaped cut-out on the front to avoid covering the umbilical cord.
- It’s cheaper per nappy if you buy large packs – but if your baby is getting near the upper age or weight for the nappy, buy smaller packs until you swap to the next size.
- Try different brands, as you may find one brand works better than another for your baby.
- You might choose to use cheaper nappies in the day but it’s worth splashing out for a better quality, more absorbent nappy for night times.