Traffic Engineering

The Interim Approval Reporting form allows any jurisdiction within the State of Minnesota to self-report the locations of devices using a statewide Interim Approval. Even locations outside of MnDOT’s jurisdiction must be reported. Section 1A.10 of the Federal MUTCD contains a provision authorizing the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to issue Interim Approvals. Such approvals allow the interim use, pending official rulemaking, of a new traffic control device, a revision to the application or manner of use of an existing traffic control device, or a provision not specifically described in the Federal MUTCD or MN MUTCD. Interim Approvals are considered by the FHWA Office of Transportation Operations based on the results of successful experimentation, studies, or research, and an intention to place the new or revised device into a future rulemaking process for Federal MUTCD revisions.
- IA-13, Alternative Electric Vehicle Charging General Service Symbol
- IA-14, Green Colored Pavement for Bike Lanes
- IA-16, Bicycle Signal Faces
- IA-17, 3-section Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal Face
- IA-18, Intersection Bicycle Boxes
- IA-19, Alternate Signal Warrant 7: Crash Experience
- IA-20, Two-Stage Bicycle Turn Boxes
- IA-21, Ped-Actuated RRFBs at Uncontrolled Marked Crosswalks
- IA-22, Red-Colored Pavement for Transit Lanes
Please see the Interim Approvals Issued by FHWA website for more information about these devices.
A statewide Interim Approval allows any jurisdiction within the State of Minnesota to use the device, as long as the jurisdiction agrees to:
- Abide by the specific conditions for use of the device as contained in the FHWA's Interim Approval document;
- Provide MnDOT with a list of locations where devices have been installed, which can be done by completing the Interim Approval Reporting form; and,
- If needed,
- Restore the site(s) of the interim approval to a condition that complies with the provisions of the MN MUTCD within 3 months following the issuance of a Final Rule on the traffic control device; and,
- Terminate use of the device or application installed under the interim approval at any time that it is determined that significant safety concerns are directly or indirectly attributable to the device or application. The FHWA's Office of Transportation Operations has the right to terminate the interim approval at any time if there is an indication of safety concerns.
If multiple locations and/or devices need to be reported, the Multiple Locations Interim Approval Reporting Spreadsheet (Excel) can be used.
The current list of reported devices and locations can be found in the Current Locations of Interim Approved Devices Spreadsheet (Excel). If the device has already been reported and no updates are needed, no action is required. Please contact Tiffany Kautz with any updates for previously reported devices.
For questions, please contact Tiffany Kautz at or 651-234-7388.
Related links
- Interim Approval Reporting form
- Multiple Locations Interim Approval Reporting Spreadsheet (XLS)
- Current Locations of Interim Approved Devices Spreadsheet (Excel)
- Minnesota Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Subscribe to Traffic Engineering resource updates
FHWA links
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- FHWA Interim approvals
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